Felix Nmecha has said that his controversial social media posts were taken out of context after completing his move to Borussia Dortmund.
Borussia Dortmund announced the signing of Felix Nmecha on Monday, with the 22 year old joining the club on a five year contract. VfL Wolfsburg will receive a fee in the region of 30 million euros for the midfielder, who has sparked plenty of controversy in recent months with some of his social media posts.
Nmecha addressed the homophobic and transphobic posts he shared online in an interview with the club, and said that they were taken out of context. But he stopped short of apologising, and said that he does not discriminate against anyone.
"“I think a few things were taken out of context,” Nmecha said. “I’m a Christian, of course, but I love all people. I don’t discriminate. I hope all fans will give me a chance to get to know me and hopefully see that I am a great person.”"
The Borussia Dortmund bosses also released a statement with the transfer announcement, saying that they are absolutely convinced Nmecha, who is deeply religious, does not harbour any transphobic or homophobic beliefs.
Borussia Dortmund decided to sign Felix Nmecha amid strong criticism from supporters. Fans displayed banners outside the club offices and stadium as a protest against the transfer last month. But after holding intensive talks with the midfielder, BVB CEO Hans-Joachim Watzke and president Dr. Reinhold Lunow gave the transfer the green light.
It will be interesting to see what sort of reception Felix Nmecha gets from the Borussia Dortmund supporters. But one thing is for sure, he will be under the microscope in the coming weeks and months.