Four young right-backs Borussia Dortmund should consider signing

Elias Jelert
Elias Jelert / Mateusz Slodkowski/GettyImages
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Milan Van Ewijk

Another option for Borussia Dortmund could be Milan van Ewijk, who only joined Coventry City last summer but made an instant impact. Given the English Championship’s ability to develop players who have seamlessly transitioned into top leagues in recent years, Van Ewijk could be immediately ready to make the step up.

Milan van Ewijk has had seven goal contributions to his name this season, and the underlying numbers are right in line with that.

He excels defensively with over four tackles and interceptions per 90. This exceptional defensive workrate is coupled with excellent ball carrying ability, with over 1.2 successful take-ons per 90 and 3.4 progressive carries per 90.

While his dribble completion percentage is low, van Ewijk went to a more physcial league and increased his dribble completion by 4 percentage points. Still only 23, van Ewijk has a high ceiling and could be an excellent back-up option for the more defensive-minded Ryerson.